For my research paper I plan to go away from my usual track and field writings and try something different. I want to write about physics and some space or NASA. If I write about physics though, I have decided that I want people to see my view of it, not the boring math sense everyone thinks. My goal is to show the history and branches of physics like a normal research paper, but i want to relate it to the majors of my viewers. I want to show you what physics really does and how it affects something you would care about.
In that I have a few questions.
What would be a better topic? NASA or physics?
What majors should I relate to as in what are your majors?
How can I explain physics so you understand/ enjoy it?
What about physics or NASA do you want to know?
Should I focus more on the top majors of Lewis? Nursing and Aviation
Should I go broad and expand your mind?
Should I specify and blow your mind?
What can i do to show you how physics ties in?
What is physics?
What is NASA?
How could physics possibly affect me besides everyday things like gravity?
Why should we care about space?
Why was NASA started?
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